








系主任  教授














19719月出生于山东郓城。主要从事网络空间安全与密码学方面的教学和科研工作。目前,主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,作为核心研究人员完成国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、国家自然科学基金中日韩A3前瞻项目2项、中国总装备部预研项目1项。作为骨干研究人员完成国家973项目1项、国家863项目2项、国家自然科学基金项目3项、国家发展与改革委员会信息安全专项、国家教育部高等开云官方网站入口博士点基金、上海市科贸基金、上海市科委基础研究重点项目、华为科研基金等。近年来,在Security and Communication Networks 、Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 、Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics、中国科学、Informatica、Journal of Communication and Computer等期刊及国际学术会议上发表学术论文100余篇,其中,SCI/EI检索70余篇。主编教材3部,参编5部,申请国家发明专利 67 项,授权16项,其中,国防专利1项,撰写国家标准草案2份。曾多次赴加拿大、日本、韩国等国家和地区参加国际学术会议,并作为部分workshopworking sessionChairCo-Chair。近年获得教育部“****和创新团队发展计划”创新群体奖、上海市自然科学二等奖、上海市教学成果二等奖、上海市产学研合作优秀项目奖、上海交通大学年度考核优秀、上海交通大学第十二届优秀教材一等奖、海润优秀教学科研奖、第十三届和十二届上海交通大学光华奖学金、YOCSEF上海2013-2014年度优秀活动奖和优秀委员奖等。目前为FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE、Journal of Systems and Software、Information Sciences、Informatica、Computers & Security、Security and Communication Networks、Journal of Computer Science and Technology、P2P Networking & Applications、软件学报、计算机科学技术学报、计算机学报、电子学报、计算机研究与发展、电子与信息学报等期刊审稿专家,系上海信息安全专委会委会、中国密码学会会员、中国CCF YOCSEF委员等。


2019.1 - 至今     上海应用技术大学计算机科学与信息工程开云官方网站入口   系主任 教授

2016.8 - 2019.1    上海应用技术大学计算机科学与信息工程开云官方网站入口 系主任 副教授

2014.1 - 2015.1    加拿大安大略理工大学 访问学者

2005.8 - 2016.8    上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系 副教授

2002.4 - 2005.6    上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系 博士

1998.9 - 2000.12   山东大学计算机系   硕士

1991.9 - 1995.7    山东师范大学计算机系 本科



(1)       基于位置的认证协议研究(国家自然科学基金委面上项目)

(2)       基于位置的移动互联网安全管理与开发(横向项目)

(3)       轨道交通盾构掘进评判模型、安全技术体系构建及软件实现(协同创新基金)

(4)       信息安全实践基地建设(教育部产学合作协同育人项目)

(5)       基于移动位置的代理签名模型、系统及其软件实现(协同创新基金)


1.           薛庆水,卢子譞,杨谨瑜. 基于Shamir的动态强前向安全签名方案. 计算机应用研究,20234

2.           薛庆水,孙晨曦,马海峰,谈成龙,张天昊. 基于条件代理重加密的跨链数据共享方案. 计算机应用研究,2023, 43

3.           周雨卫,薛庆水,孙晨曦,马海峰,鞠兴忠,崔墨香. 基于属性访问策略的批量零知识身份认证方案. 计算机应用研究,2023,40(08),2487-2492

4.           Qingshui Xue,   Zixuan Lu, Jing Han, & Jiewei Cai. Classical Communication Coset State   (t,n) Threshold Quantum Digital Signature,IEEE Access,Vol. 11, 115091-115109, 2023

5.           Qingshui Xue &   Tianrui Cui. Privacy-Preserving Location Sharing via LWE-based Private   Information Retrieval, ICIIBMS2023, Shanghai, China

6.           薛庆水,周雨卫,崔天睿,薛震,侯宗阳,王晨阳. 一种基于属性证书的匿名电子投票方案. 计算机应用与软件. 2022.2

7.           Fengying Li,   Qingshui Xue, Shifeng Xu, and Tongchao Wang. Application of New Technology in   Education: Design and Implementation of Graduate Certificate Model Based on   Intelligent Graph Element Technology. Sustainability, 2022, 14(7), 3781-

8.           黄杰伦,曾万聃,杨瑞君,吴敏,薛庆水,夏志平.拉曼光谱结合Adaboost算法的食源性致病菌分类识别. 激光杂志, 2022,43(02):205-209.

9.           黄杰伦,曾万聃,杨瑞君,吴敏,薛庆水,夏志平. 基于卷积网络的血清新冠病毒拉曼光谱定性分类. 分析试验室:1-9

10.       Moxiang Cui,   Qingshui Xue, Ji Zhang, Zhen Xue. Improvement of Practical Byzantine Fault   Tolerance Algorithm Based on Node Reputation Value Matching, ICICST 2022,   Guilin, China

11.       Qingshui Xue,   Chenyang Wang, Zhen Xue. CP-ABE with multi-Authorization Centers and   Supporting Outsourcing Encryption and Decryption,                   ICCNSBD 2022,Chengdu, China,2022.11.8

12.       薛庆水,薛震,王晨阳,时雪磊,周雨卫,张天昊. 基于加法同态的可修改区块链方案. 计算机应用研究,2022

13.       Fengying Li, Ge Yu,   Congjing Mu, Qingshui Xue, Shih-Pang Tseng and Tongchao Wang. A Personal   Growth System Supporting the Sustainable Development of Students Based on   Intelligent Graph Element Technology. Sustainability, 2022, 14, 7196

14.       薛庆水,时雪磊,王俊华,薛震,王晨阳. 基于属性加密的个人医疗数据共享方案. 计算机应用研究,2022

15.       Qingshui Xue,   Chenxi Sun, and Haifeng Ma. Exploratory Research on Blockchain-based Lost and   Found Platform. ICIIBMS 2022    (International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and BioMedical   Sciences), JAPAN

16.       Qingshui Xue,   Tianhao Zhang, and Yue Sun. PBFT Algorithm Improvement for Internet of   Things. ICCCS 2022, April 22 to 25, 2022

17.       Xuelei Shi,   Qingshui Xue, Haifeng Ma, and Zhen Ma. CPABE Scheme with Real-time Changes of   User Permissions. ICCIIBMS 2022 (International Conference on Intelligent   Informatics and BioMedical Sciences). Japan

18.       Yuwei Zhou,   Qingshui Xue, Moxiang Cui. Privacy Protection Method for Online Medical   Diagnosis Based on Attribute and Proxy Re-encryption. 2022 4th International   Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer (ICFTIC 2022),Dec.2-4, 2022, Qingdao,   China

19.       Qingshui Xue,   Zongyang Hou, HaifengMa, Haozhi Zhu, Xingzhong Ju, &Yue  Sun. Housing rental system based on   blockchain Technology, IoTAIMA 20212nd International Conference on Internet of Things,   Artificial Intelligence and Mechanical Automation, May 14-16,   HangZhou, China. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1948 (2021)   012058,    doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1948/1/012058

20.       Fengying Li, Yifeng   He and Qingshui Xue. Progress, Challenges and Countermeasures of Adaptive   Learning: A Systematic Review. Educational Technology & Society,24 (3), pp.   238-255, 2021.

21.       Zhiyong Shan, Erhao   Xu, Qingshui Xue. Improved particle swarm optimization algorithm based on   random disturbance, 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC 2021), October 22 –   24, 2021, Beijing, China

22.       Qingshui Xue,Zongyang Hou,Haifeng Ma ,Xingzhong Ju, Haozhi Zhu,& Yue Sun.   Research on path planning optimization of intelligent robot in warehouse fire   fighting scene. EAI AICON2021 (3rd EAI International Conference on Artificial   Intelligence for Communications and Networks), October 23-24, 2021, Xining,   China, Part II, LNCST 397

23.       Qingshui Xue, Yue   Sun, Haifeng Ma, Zongyang Hou, Tianhao Zhang. Registration and Login Scheme   of Charity Blood Donation system Based on Blockchain Zero-Knowledge Proof.   2021 IEEE the 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and   Networks (ICICN 2021). November 25-28, 2021, Xi'an, China

24.       孙悦,薛庆水,朱浩之,鞠兴忠,侯宗阳. 一种基于区块链零知识证明的注册登录方案. 计算机应用与软件. 2021

25.       Qingshui Xue, Zhen   Xue, Haifeng Ma, Yue Sun and Xuelei Shi. Design of Virtual Power Plant System   Model under Master-Slave Multi-chain. EPES2021 (International Conference on   Frontiers of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2021), December 18-19,   2021, Zhuhai, China

26.       Haifeng Ma, HaiTao   Yu, Ji Zhang, Junhua Wang, Qingshui Xue, and Jiahai Yang. A Hierarchical   Provable Massive Data Migration Method under Multicloud Storage. Wireless   Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2021

27.       Haifeng Ma, Jiahai   Yang, Qingshui Xue, Xingzhong Ju, Haozhi Zhu, Tao Lin, Xinxin Yuan. A   not-same frequency remote data possession checking method [J]. Journal of   Shandong University (NATURAL SCIENCE), 2020, 55(5): 81-87

28.       Qingshui Xue,   Xingzhong Ju, Haozhi Zhu, Haojing Zhu, Fengying Li and Xiangwei Zheng. A   Biometric-Based IoT Device Identity Authentication Scheme,AICON2019, Harbin,   People’s Republic of China, May 25-27, 2019

29.       薛庆水,李凤英. 基于云环境的双QoS约束多目标工作流调度.计算机工程与设计,Vol. 40, No. 8, 2019, pp. 2196-2203

30.       Qingshui Xue,   Haozhi Zhu, Xingzhong Ju, Haojing Zhu, Fengying Li and Xiangwei Zheng. A   Video-Selection-Encryption Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Machine   Learning in Smart Home Environment,AICON2019, Harbin, People’s Republic of China, May   25-27, 2019

31.       薛庆水,李凤英. 一种均衡的移动云计算任务迁移决策算法. 计算机应用与软件,Vol.36, No.12, 2019, pp.66-71

32.       Xingzhong Ju,   Qingshui Xue, Haifeng Ma, Jiageng Chen and Haozhi Zhu. The Research on   Identity Authentication Scheme of Internet of Things Equipment in 5G Network   Environment, ICCT 2019 ( 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on   Communication Technology), 16 - 19 October 2019, Xi'an, China,pp. 312 - 316

33.       Xiangwei Zheng,   Yuang Zhang, Hui Zhang and Qingshui Xue. An RBF neural network–based dynamic   virtual network embedding algorithm, Concurrency and Computation: Practice   & Experience, March 2018

34.       薛庆水,李凤英. 我国走班制教学文献分析(2000-2017年):困境与发展. 现代远程教育研究,20183):78-88

35.       薛庆水,李凤英. 人工智能(AI)教育应用的安全风险与应对之策. 远程教育杂志, 20184):88-94

36.       Qingshui Xue,   Fengying Li, Xiangwei Zheng, Minglei Shu, Yunxiang Liu, Zhiyong Shan and   Wenju Li. Secure-Positioning-Protocol-Based Symmetric Cryptography,2nd International   Conference on Computational Modeling, Simulation and Applied MathematicsCMSAM 2017),Oct. 22-23, 2017,   Beijing, China, pp. 298-303

37.       Mingli Wu, Na Ruan,   Shiheng Ma, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia and Qingshui Xue. Detect SIP Flooding   Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing and Compressing Counting Bloom Filter, The 12th   International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications   (WASA2017), June 19-21, 2017,Guilin, China, LNCS 10251,pp. 124-135










